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  • What is the difference between a Doula and a Midwife?
    Midwives are a team of care providers whose focus is mostly on the medical health and well-being of the pregnant person and baby. They share on-call time with the team and carry out clinical tasks such as blood pressure, lab requisitions, ultrasound requisitions, and cervical exams. A doula is a trained birth companion/coach whose focus is on the emotional well-being of their clients. We get to know you and help you prepare for your birth. We provide constant connection through an on-call line with a listening ear; information and suggestions during pregnancy; and a caring touch, encouragement and coping methods during labour and birth. We are the one part of your team that is constant. While the rest of your team is changing shifts throughout your labour and birth, we often arrive to your birth before anyone else and stay by your side until a few hours after the birth of your baby.
  • Do I need a Doula if I have a Midwife?
    Not all people feel the need of having the extra support from a Doula, but we feel that having a Midwife and a Doula is the perfect combo. Although Midwives have much more of a presence and availability during your labour and birth than an OB/GYN would, they are often busy with other tasks and are unable to attend to the constant emotional, physical, and informational needs of the birther. Having an experienced Doula by your side through all the transitions of labour and birth brings a sense of safety to the birth space, promoting positive outcomes.
  • Will a Doula replace my partner?
    Absolutely not! We provide support to partners too! We provide reassurance, information, and ideas for your partner while we take care of other tasks. This allows your partner to be fully present in their own transition to becoming a parent too!
  • When should I hire a Doula?
    Our Doula services have become so recommended that we suggest getting in touch with us as soon as possible to avoid dissapointment. We go on call for you the moment you hire us, so if anything comes up during your pregnancy, we can support you with information and decision-making.
  • Do Sound Birth Doulas only support unmedicated births?
    Nope! We believe there are many ways in which a family can have a positive and powerful birth! We are advocates for informed choice and support your decisions wholeheartedly.
  • What if I need a c-section?
    Birth is unpredictable and sometimes a c-section is the best option for you and your baby. Although sometimes Doulas are permitted into the operating room at the Comox Valley Hospital, we cannot guarantee this. However, should we not be permitted, we always wait for you afterwards to congratulate you and help with getting you comfortable and establish breast/chest feeding.
  • Are there things that Doulas DON’T do?
    Yes. We do not: · Perform any clinical tasks We do not perform clinical tasks such as blood pressure, fetal heart rate or vaginal exams. We don't prescribe or administer medications. We are there to provide only evidence-based information, physical support, emotional comfort and advocacy. · Project any of our own beliefs onto your experience Your birth desires are important to us and our role as your doulas are to support you in a way that doesn't include our own beliefs or opinions. Our guidance in your pregnancy, labour and birth are free of judgement with only a positive birth experience for you in mind. · Make decisions for you We will help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision. We will also remind you if there is a departure from your birth preferences so you may discuss it with your caregiver. · Speak to the staff on your behalf We will discuss your concerns with you and make suggestions, but you or your partner will speak on your behalf to the clinical staff.

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